
Radios, Flying Machines, and Cinema

February 13, 2024
A stack of radios

In a letter written in April 1922 the poet Hart Crane posed a question to a friend: “Will radios, flying machines, and cinemas have such a great effect on poetry in the end?”

On Language and Dictionaries

January 24, 2024

The first law of language is that there are no laws of language. The laws of language are not the laws of the dictionary.

Eight Minutes Out

January 10, 2024

Just as Emily Dickinson wrote, “If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.” I hope that this poem takes the top of your head off — metaphorically, of course!

How I Write, Part 2

December 8, 2023
Three books on a table

How a poet writes poems: To repeat the phrase from Hemingway, it’s always the same and always different. In the fall of 1988, driving home from Vermont, I learned just how different. After 20 years of writing (or learning to write) poems in conventional lyric forms, an unknown voice in my head spoke a line […]

How I Write, Part 1

November 29, 2023
Papers with a pen

About making love Hemingway said, “It’s always the same but always different.” Poets might say the same about how they write.

A Few Words On “Albatross”

November 22, 2023

Many creatures populate my new book, The Boxer of Quirinal, but today I’m thinking of the singularly impressive albatross.

A Vacant Niche

November 7, 2023
A photo of vacant seats in a theater

I’ve been wondering why no one is writing verse drama these days. Writing stage plays in verse is as old as literature itself.

A Stimulating Conversation with John Barr (originally published by Arte Realizzata)

October 23, 2023
John Barr Photo

“I had the pleasure and honor of asking John if there is a perfect time to write, what the word poetry means to him, his role as President of the Poetry Foundation, and so much more.”

Download Your Gift: The Reader’s Companion To The Boxer Of Quirinal!

October 5, 2023

I’m offering a special gift to my email subscribers: A Reader’s Companion to my new poetry collection, The Boxer of Quirinal, which is complete with commentary on select poems from the book, as well as Rockwell Kent-inspired illustrations created with the assistance of AI!

“Two paths diverged in a yellow wood”

September 25, 2023

“The Road Not Taken” is one of the most-read poems by one of America’s most-read poets. It’s easy to see why. All of us have stood where Robert Frost stood to consider our major choices in life. Whom shall I marry? What will my life’s work be? But for me, at this moment, it brings to mind two great poets who chose different paths, and how that turned out.

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Between Them a Universe explores two kinds of relationships we can have as human beings. In the first section, my poems explore the universe of relationships we can have with each other. The poems in the second section explore the universe of our relationships with the world of the non-human.